Friday, July 6, 2012


Spanish actor Javier Bardem committed to supporting Sahrawi people | Sahara Press Service

Rome ,July6,2012(SPS) - Spanish actor Javier Bardem, who has produced a documentary on the Sahrawi people under the Moroccan occupation, voiced his support to the cause and the rights of Sahrawi people in an interview to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera in its Friday issue

The world famous actor said that he visited the refugee camps for the first time in 2008, "I lived with them in their tents, I shared food with them and listened to their stories. They are people of great dignity and determination. It is an international shame that generations of Sahrawis are born, live and die in refugee camps, while others suffer suppression in the occupied territories, forgotten for over 20 years," the he told the Italian daily.

"Nobody has listened to their sufferings. I wondered how I could help. I am neither a doctor, nor a male nurse or a logistic expert. But I can contribute by giving them the possibility to express themselves. So I decided to make a documentary entitled "Hijos de las Nubes" (Sons of the Clouds) with the film-director Alvaro Longoria on the last colonized country in Africa. The film has been presently recently at the European Parliament," he explained.(SPS)



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