Monday, December 2, 2013


Greenpeace: El PE debe decir NO a la pesca en el Sahara Occidental

tn_39ccgreenpeace_610.jpg Greenpeace Internacional ha lanzado un informe en el que se documenta el aumento cada vez mayor de la flota marroquí privada en el Sáhara Occidental. La combinación de esa flota con un nuevo acuerdo de pesca de la Unión Europea con Marruecos no es sostenible, según Greenpeace, que pide al Parlamento Europeo que rechace la renovación del acuerdo para pescar en aguas del territorio ocupado.



Anonymous said...

The new Fisheries Protocol between the European Unionand Morocco highlights the sustainable nature of the Moroccan fisheries policy. As such, it is fully in line with the Common Fisheries Policy as redefined recently: new quotas have been reassessed to ensure the sustainable exploitation of resources (the new Protocol only contains provisions for exploitation of surpluses), monitoring of species fished will be undertaken by internationally renowned scientists (the sharp increase in stocks of octopus in 2012 has already illustrated Morocco's ability to restore stocks that were previously endangered due to overexploitation).
Strengthening the sustainability of fishing in Morocco has also resulted in additional efforts in fisheries research (mobile stations, laboratories, shellfish hatcheries etc.), through a development plan of which the purpose is maximum sustainable yield for landed stock through the implementation of a traceability plan to monitor stock across the value chain or through the fitting of vessel monitoring systems across the entire fishing fleet operating in Moroccan waters.

As illustrated by the Plan Halieutis (it affected over 130,000 beneficiaries in all regions and almost 50% of jobs created were created in the Southern provinces), the new Protocol will improve living standards for all populations at which it is aimed, by continuing the modernisation of infrastructure at the ports on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, but also by promoting the professionalization of the sector (Professional Maritime Training Centres, Maritime Security Centres etc.) and providing trade associations with support.

It is for these reasons that the Fisheries, Development and Budget committees have recommended the approval of this new Protocol which responds to the demands set out by the European Parliament in December 2011.

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