Wednesday, February 26, 2020



PUSL.- 44 years ago the Polisario Front proclaimed the constitution of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic on February 27, 1976, the day after the last Spanish colonizing presence left the area in a shameful way.

Spain decided not to protect the civilian population of the province 53 as it called Western Sahara, despite having already witnessed the bestiality of Morocco with the bombings with Napalm and White Phosphorus a few days before.

During the night the territory changed from Spanish hands to Moroccan and Mauritanian hands. Mauritania signed its peace agreement with the Polisario Front in 1979, renouncing its occupation of Saharawi territory and the Organization of the African Union and different countries recognized the new republic. However, Morocco, instead of doing the same, annexed the part that was occupied by Mauritania and continued with the occupation.

44 years later, the Saharawi people suffer harsh repression in their own country at the hands of the Moroccan invader, or survive in the Saharawi refugee camps in the Hamada (desert of death), near Tindouf. Another part of the Saharawi live in the diaspora trying to contribute in the best way to support the survival of this people that so many want to make disappear or forget.

Nevertheless, the spirit of the founders of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic is still alive in each of the Saharawi who fight daily so that their cause does not fall into oblivion and that, once and for all, justice is done.

This year is no different, we have seen no change in the Saharawi’s desire to obtain justice and return to their homeland. On the streets, in their houses, in the underground of the occupied territories, they prepare their non-violent demonstrations and other actions to demonstrate to the world and the occupying power that they resist and do not abdicate their homeland. In the refugee camps, they resist the weather, the scarcity of goods and means, the isolation, the mines, and there they also show the world their determination. In the Diaspora they organize, help each other and never, but never let their traditions and customs die, keeping Saharawi culture alive and supporting their brothers and sisters in the occupied territories and in the refugee camps.

In the political arena, its leaders maintain a presence in international organizations such as the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union and in many countries in the world as delegates or ambassadors and act in defense of the interests of their people despite the multiple difficulties in this David’s struggle against Goliath.

The Polisario Front has survived for 44 years despite all the difficulties inherent in a process of decolonization that continues without an immediate end in sight. The Saharawi people are not waning and their desire to return to their homeland has not diminished but has intensified.

If there are internal criticisms of the Polisario Front, it is not because the Saharawis gave up their inalienable right to their self-determination, but because they want to see a solution quickly. The Saharawi remain united around their ultimate goal: the liberation of their country.



Letter of Proclamation of the Independence of the Democratic Saharawi Arab Republic
Bir lehlu, February 27, 1976 *

“The Saharawi Arab People, reminding the peoples of the world that they have proclaimed the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Resolution 1514 of the United Nations at its fifteenth session, and taking into account the text of the same, which states: “That the peoples of the world have proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations that they are determined to reaffirm faith in the fundamental rights of man, in the dignity and worth of the person human rights, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small to promote social progress and raise the standard of living within a broader concept of freedom “.

The peoples of the world aware of the growing conflicts caused by the denial of these peoples or their freedom, which constitutes a serious threat to world peace ….

Convinced that all peoples have an inalienable right to absolute freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their national territory …

And solemnly proclaiming the need to put an end quickly and unconditionally to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations for the achievement of the economic, social and cultural development of the people …

Proclaim solemnly before the whole world, based on popular free will based on democratic principles and alternatives:

The constitution of a free, independent and sovereign State, governed by a democratic national system, arabe of UNIONIST tendency, of Iislamic confessional, progressive, that acquires as a form of regime that of the Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic. In accordance with its doctrine, orientation and line, this Arab, African, Non-Aligned State proclaims:

It’s respect to treaties and international commitments.

It’s adherence to the UN Charter.

It’s adherence to the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, reaffirming their adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It’s adherence to the Charter of the Arab League.

The Arab People of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, having decided to defend their independence and territorial integrity and exercise control of their resources and natural wealth, fight alongside all peace-loving peoples for the maintenance of the fundamental values of peace and international security affirm their support to all the Liberation Movements of the peoples under the colonialist domination.

In this historical moment in which the constitution of this new Republic is proclaimed, it asks his brothers and all the countries of the world for the RECOGNITION of this new nation, while expressly expressing its desire to establish reciprocal relations based on friendship, cooperation and non-interference in internal affairs.

The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic calls on the international community, whose goals are the establishment of law and justice in order to strengthen the pillars of world peace and security:

To collaborate in the construction and development of this new country to warrant the dignity, prosperity and aspirations of the human person.

The Saharawi Provisional National Council in representation of the will of the people of the Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic.

Bir Lehlu, February 27, 1976



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