Monday, March 16, 2020


Abdallah Abbahah, Saharawi political prisoner under investigation | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre

PUSL.- According to information from Abdallah Abbahah’s family, the prisoner of the Gdeim Izik group was subject of an investigation process ordered by the King’s prosecutor.

Indeed, Mr. Abbahah was summoned last Tuesday, March 10, following a complaint by the Tilfet2 Prison Director, where he is being held.
He was not allowed to be heard with his lawyer since there was no official summoning.

The alleged charge against Mr. Abbahah was that the detainee did not comply with internal rules including medical appointments.

This investigation took place without the knowledge of the defense lawyer, Maître Olfa Ouled, of the detainee and without prior notice to the detainee.

The accusation is made shortly after Maître Ouled had early February informed the Rapporteur on Reprisals of the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) about the medical reprisals her client has to face. Her letter was sent to the Moroccan authorities in early March.

In her last letter to the Rapporteur, Maître Ouled recalled that none of the measures which aims to preserve the life of her client has been respected. Worse , after Maître Ouled informed the CAT earlier this year that Mr. Abbahah did not have any medical attention and that he was not given the results of the blood exams, the prison director told him that he could have a doctor if Mr.Abbahah would pay for it.

Mr. Abbahah was thus subjected to huge psychological pressure and constant reprisals from the Moroccan authorities, following his referral to the Committee.

Maître Ouled not only informed the Committee against Torture, where she filed several communications relating to the political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik group and which are ongoing, but also regularly filed complaints with competent prosecutors and the Moroccan Directorate for Penitentiaries and Social Reinsertion (DGPRS) regarding the medical negligence and ill-treatment suffered by this group of political prisoners.

In the case of Mr. Abbahah the CAT asked the Kingdom of Morocco, and this, provisionally, to guarantee him access to a doctor of his choice, but the Moroccan authorities do not authorize his doctor to him to visit.

Contacted by PUSL Maître Ouled says she does not know under which law this investigation was initiated and confirmed that she was not informed of any proceedings in process, as should be the case.

Abdallah Abbahah denied all the charges made during his hearing and again denounced the ill-treatment suffered and the violations of his most fundamental rights. He declared that these violations are systematic and deliberate and that over the years, he had filed several complaints with the DGAPR, of which he has copies with their registration numbers. He again asked to be given the results of blood tests carried out in prison more than 4 months ago.

Maître Ouled recalled that all the communications filed with the CAT had led the latter to enact urgent measures that the Kingdom of Morocco has still not respected, in particular provisional release, the immediate cessation of all forms of ill-treatments and the right to medical assistance.

She said she had no doubts that her client would agree to see a doctor even if the latter has to pay them as the Moroccan authorities had asked Abbahah to do last October. She clarified that even if Mr. Abbahah had to see a doctor whom he had not chosen, he would do so because his state of health is extremely worrying.

La entrada Abdallah Abbahah, Saharawi political prisoner under investigation se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.


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