Saharawi activist Toumana Deida Yazid kidnapped by the Moroccan police yesterday morning | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre
PUSL.- Toumana Deida Yazid, a well-known Saharawi activist, was abducted yesterday, March 13, at 9 am in front of her home in El Aaiun, the capital of occupied Western Sahara, by agents of the moroccan occupying forces.
The agents in plainclothes arrived in a van and two motorbikes abducting Mrs. Yazid in broad daylight on the street outside her house and took her to the police station.
So far she has no defense lawyer and will be present to the King’s attorney in the coming days.
Ms. Yazid is a mother, having 7 minor children and is a cousin of Abdallahi Abbahah, a political prisoner of the Gdeim Izik group.
The daughter of well-known activist Deida Uld Esid who died in 2018, Ms. Yazid is accused of “connections” to the group of Ali Saadoni, another well-known activist whose crimes are to display the Saharawi national flag in public and to refuse Moroccan nationality.
Toumana Deida Yazid is yet another example of non-violent struggle and resistance. Her detention follows an increasingly aggressive policy by Morocco to terrorize the Saharawis with the aim of breaking resistance in the occupied territories.
La entrada Saharawi activist Toumana Deida Yazid kidnapped by the Moroccan police yesterday morning se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.