Tuesday, April 28, 2020


French NGO MRAP addresses Minister for foreign Affairs to intervene for the release of Political Prisoners in Morocco | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre

PUSL.- The French NGO MRAP (Movement against racism and for Friendship between Peoples) sent a letter, dated 28th of April, to Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian alerting to the situation of Moroccan and Saharawi political prisoners in Morocco

MRAP wrote to the French Foreign Minister describing the situation of political prisoners in Moroccan prisons who suffer even more dangerous living conditions due to the spread of Covid-19 and asking Le Drian “to intervene with the Moroccan authorities so that it immediately releases the Moroccan and Saharawi political prisoners detained in Moroccan prisons and put an end to its policy of repression against popular movements in Morocco and Western Sahara.”

“These are high-risk places where detainees, often victims of ill-treatment and torture, are exposed to contamination. To avoid contagion, more than 5,600 common prisoners were released on pardon from the head of state. But all political and opinion detainees were excluded. Officials of the popular Rif movement (Hirak), sentenced to heavy prison terms following unfair trials, remain detained. Saharawi political prisoners are in grave danger mainly because of their greatly degraded state of health following the torture but also because of discrimination in access to healthcare.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, recommended on April 3rd the release of “administrative detainees and those detained arbitrarily for their political and human rights work”. Human rights associations in Morocco and lawyers demanded “the immediate release of all political and opinion detainees in Morocco”.

MRAP was created in 1949, is a National Association for Popular Education, Non-governmental organization in consultative status to the United Nations, Member of the French National Consultative Commission for Human Rights and has the National education accreditation.

La entrada French NGO MRAP addresses Minister for foreign Affairs to intervene for the release of Political Prisoners in Morocco se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.


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