Friday, April 24, 2020


SADR statement denounces support for the “status quo” of the Moroccan occupation | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre

PUSL.- On the occasion of the International Day for Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) recalls the continued postponement of the referendum on self-determination and the lack of respect for international humanitarian law and international law.

The statement issued by the SADR Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalls the numerous UN and AU resolutions and the continuing human rights violations committed by the Moroccan occupier.

The lack of confidence that exists among Saharawis in the action of the United Nations and the urgency to hold the referendum is evident in the communiqué that states: “It is urgent to act to restore the confidence of the Saharawi people in the action of the United Nations. This action can only be the execution, by MINURSO, of its only mandate, which allows the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination, without which a just, viable, acceptable and realistic solution is not possible and no compromise is possible. ”

According to SADR “It is unacceptable to transform the noble mandate of a UN mission, created in the context of decolonization, into a kind of police guard of the fait accompli of the illegal occupation and the flagrant violations of all the inalienable rights of the people of the territory.”

english versionSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

La entrada SADR statement denounces support for the “status quo” of the Moroccan occupation se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.


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