Friday, June 26, 2020


Today is the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre

We (PUSL) will not explain how Morocco systematically violates the United Nations Convention against Torture that it has ratified, nor its optional protocol, nor how it ignores all the urgent decisions, recommendations and interim measures issued by the Committee against Torture.

For that we leave below a list of articles that you can consult.

PUSL will not appeal to the United Nations, the European Union, or to our governments to intervene.

PUSL calls on all of you to participate with a small or large contribution to the costs of the ongoing proceedings in the Committee against Torture of the prisoners of Gdeim Izik group and for the new cases to be presented.

So far, there has been no financial support except a few private and small contributions to translate documents.

The amount collected will be used in full for the continuation of the defense of the Gdeim Izik group

If you want to help please contact us at:

For more information:


La entrada Today is the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.


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