Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Campaign for recognition of the SADR

US organization's campaign for the SADR recognition

Algiers, November 26, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the US-Western Sahara Foundation, Dr. Susanne Scholte, stated that she will work to convey the Sahrawi people's voice to reach such influential places as the US Congress and the US House of Representatives for the United Nations recognition of the Saharawi state.

Dr. Suzanne Scholte, who is the President of the Defense Forum Foundation and the 2010 recipient of the Walter Judd Freedom Award and the 2008 Seoul Peace Prize, said in an interview with an Algerian newspaper that "she works for sending a group of American journalists to the refugee camps and liberated territories to closely observe the reality of the Sahrawi refugees" within the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

She regretted that the US media do not  pay attention to what is happening in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, despite the serious and repeated violations of human rights committed under an eminent silence of the MINURSO representing the United Nations in the area.

Concerning the recent tour of UN envoy Christopher Ross to the region, the US activist emphasized the spirit of dedication Ross has shown to resolve the Western Sahara conflict despite the Moroccan compromise.

The American activist insisted that direct pressure from the United States in Morocco is the most appropriate solution, given that the Moroccan royal palace spends millions of dollars annually to distort the facts of the conflict in Western Sahara.

"Any visitor travelling to the Saharawi refugee camps can simply refute, from his first visit onwards, allegations and accusations of Morocco stating that the Polisario is holding the Sahrawis refugee against their will and that they are involved in illegal activities, says American activist.

Regarding this, she has made clear that the Polisario Front has opened the Saharawi refugee camps in front of  foreign delegations. Visitors from Spain continually arriving on regular and charter flights, as well as the continued presence of the United Nations, noting that in the refugee camps the Sahrawis are dominated by "the spirit of tolerance and ideals including religious freedom and gender equality, far from intolerance and extremism."

Ms. Susanne Scholte called on the United States to put pressure on Morocco in order to allow such access to the occupied territories of Western Sahara and accelerate a realization of the long-announced referendum.

The President of US-Western Sahara Foundation has revealed that she will visit, early next year, both the  refugee camps and neighbouring countries, such as Spain and Algeria, to take part in a series of international seminars in support of the struggle of the Saharawi people.

Based on a Sahara Press Service (SPS) Press Release - Ref. 090/TRA:


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