Summary of Western Sahara news
Summary of Western Sahara news

“We rely on the efforts of the highest international body and its mission in the Western Sahara. Saharawi people are a peaceful people, but a failure of the UN in its mission to organize a referendum in Western Sahara Sahrawi will closer saharawis to the limit of their patience.That’s why it’s time to open the way to resolve the Western Sahara conflict in a just and lasting way”, Saharawi president said.
“It is considered that there is a close relationship between the existence of natural resources and the geographical position of the Saharawi territory with the existence of various geostrategies, to take full advantage of these factors, the same that have contributed to a lengthening of the Saharawi-Moroccan conflict “, he added.
Algiers. – The film Wilaya of Spanish director Pedro Perez Rosado, a documentary made at the heart of the Sahrawi refugee camps, participates in the International Film Festival of Algiers (FICA) dedicated to militant movie scheduled from 6 to 13 December.
London. – The issue of human rights in Western Sahara was raised in the British Parliament by MPs representing major political parties in United Kingdom (Labour and Liberal Democrat).
Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Alistair Burt, answered questions from MPs, saying that “the Western Sahara issue is regularly discussed by the Security Council of the United Nations.”
“The UK plays a full part in the discussions, and emphasis on the importance of improving the situation of human rights in Western Sahara,” he said.
Rabat.- In Morocco, there are voices raise against the political adventurism and increasing diplomatic isolation of a country that continues to delude itself and believe that it can indefinitely, occupy a territory that does not belong it.
While Christopher Ross refocused the Western Sahara issue in its just dimension, Morocco, yet non-permanent member of the Security Council, continues to escape forward and to make diversion on the occupied Western Sahara conflict. Blinded by his diplomatic setbacks, forced to accept Ross mission after repudiate him, with an economy devastated that appealed to the IMF and its friendly countries of the Gulf, Morocco is trying to exploit the relating to the moment situations of Mali and Maghreb to call for an “urgent” solution which would be synonymous of whisk away self-determination, the only valid solution and that the UN can not give up because it is the of its doctrine on decolonization.
Rabat. – The site Maghreb Intelligence, known to be close to Morocco, based on well-informed sources in Washington, said the U.S. ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice prepares to lead the State Department.
“In Rabat, officials are very distrustful of the” Iron Lady “, a connoisseur of Africa -She was Vice-Secretary of State for African Affairs under Bill Clinton presidency and whose speeches often contain hints of the time of Carter administration “, reported the same site.
According to Maghreb Intelligence, Moroccan diplomats to the United Nations Susan Rice know very well Susan Rice and distant positions from those of the kingdom. “With her arrival to the State Department, it is not said that the Moroccan-American relations experience in the coming months their best period, particularly on the Western Sahara issue”, concluded the same source.
Washington. – The American newspaper New York Times published an article this week condemning racism experienced by African illegal migrants in Morocco.
In this article titled “African Migrants in Morocco Tell of Abuse”, the newspaper met dozens of illegal African migrants living in a shabby building in the district of Takadoum in Rabat, telling their lives in the kingdom, a daily life turned into a nightmare.
Among their punishment in the police stations, they are forced to dance reggae, raped with objects and forced to perform fellatio on the policemen.
According to his estimates, Morocco expels about 14 000 per year