Sunday, March 1, 2020


Young unemployed Saharawis return to the streets in protest in the occupied territories | Porunsaharalibre | @x1saharalibre

PUSL.- On Saturday, February 29, a group of unemployed Saharawi youth returned to the streets of El Aaiun in peaceful protest demanding the right to employment.

These young people have shown admirable resilience in demonstrating night after night in a place where all demonstrations are dismantled by the Moroccan occupation authorities and often result in arrests and tortures.

One of the protesters displays the photograph of his brother, Massik, who died of intentional medical negligence on the part of the occupying authorities. An example of what awaits those who do not conform to the occupation and the economic, social and political apartheid to which the Saharawi population is subject.

The constant vigilance, threats and forced impoverishment of the Saharawi population in the territories is denounced by these young people who are yet another generation that does not conform to the occupation and yearns for the respect of United Nations resolutions – the holding of a self-determination referendum.

In the video you can see the arrival of the intervention police who then dismantled the demonstration and the filming stopped.

The silence about the reality in the occupied territories is imposed and has the complicity of a large part of the international community.

La entrada Young unemployed Saharawis return to the streets in protest in the occupied territories se publicó primero en POR UN SAHARA LIBRE .org - PUSL.


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